Purple Vienna Kohlrabi

Growing Information
Growing Microgreens:
Sow seeds in a shallow tray of potting mix and cover lightly. About 8 to 9 grams of seed should be enough for an 11 inch x 21 inch tray. Keep the soil moist but not wet. Seedlings should be grown in full light to keep them from stretching.
Once seedlings have 1 –2 true leaves they are ready for harvest. This can range from 10-20 days depending on the growing conditions and the type of micro green. To harvest cut the seedlings off just above ground level with a sharp knife or scissors. The plants will not regrow, so discard the left over soil and start a new batch.
Damping off can be a problem with microgreens. Be sure and use fresh potting mix with each batch, do not over water and allow air to circulate around the seedlings.