Canada Mix Poppy
Papaver rhoeas. Beautiful combination of bright red and vibrant white blooms on 15-25” stems, look great in a landscape design or as a mass border. Direct sow seeds in late fall or cold stratify for 30 days before planting in spring. Great for borders, rock gardens or for cutting. Can be direct seeded in spring or mid-fall. Look for both annual and perennial poppies to brighten up your garden all season long. An excellent addition when included in a wildflower meadow to attract beneficials such as bees and butterflies. Approx. 3400 seeds/pkg.
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Growing Information
Starting Indoors: Use pots that are more tall than wide as taproots do not like being disturbed or having confined space for root growth. Start sowing seeds inside 6 weeks before last frost. Do not use bottom heat. If in a drafty area, use a dome until germination occurs. Keep soil evenly moist until germination occurs, do not let soil dry out. Once germination occurs, let soil dry slightly between waterings. Keep temperature around 15-18°c for best growth.
Direct Sow: Direct sow 2 week before last frost. Remove any weeds or other plant growth from area. Lightly cultivate to loosen soil. broadcast seeds to evenly cover area. Lightly rake to make good seed to soil contact. Water thoroughly but not to the point of run off. Keep soil evenly moist, do not let it dry hard, until seeds germinate and then let soil dry between waterings. Thinning of plants may be needed if crowded.
Space plants 10-12" apart. Fertilize twice with a balanced granular fertilizer for perennials during the growing season. Once in spring when actively growing, and again after flower. Let flowers go to seed to keep area naturalized.