Allium schoenoprasum. This long-lasting, perennial herb in the onion family, growing to 18". It produces edible lavender, pom-pom shaped flowers in early summer that are attractive to bees. The mild onion flavour of chives is great in salads or herbal vinegars. This Zone 4 herb will continue to grow if trimmed regularly. Zone 4-9. Height 8-18". Approx. 1200 seeds/pkg.
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Growing Information
Sow 3-5 seeds per cell, indoors, 6 weeks before last frost date, or direct sow, 1" apart, one week before your last frost date or when soil temperature reaches 15°c. Seeds should be sown 1/4" deep. For transplants, ambient room temperature is sufficient for germination. Use a dome or cloche if in a drafty area. Discontinue use of covering once germination occurs. Germination should occur in 7-14 days, or longer if soil temperatures are cool. Keep soil moist but not dripping wet. Once germination occurs, let soil dry slightly between waters but not to the point of wilt.
Amend soil with organic matter like compost or manure. Transplant into the garden 1 week before last frost, hardening off for 5-7 days. Space transplants 6-8" apart in rows 18" apart. A top dress of 6-8-6 or 5-3-3 fertilizer mid season will keep production high. Divide plants every 3 years.
Start harvesting by picking the largest/oldest leaves first. Wash in cold water and gently pat to dry. Cut into 1/8-1/4" pieces. To dry, place on a tray in a shaded, well-ventilated area, with relatively low humidity. Place into airtight containers once fully dry.
Use fresh, new seed every year as Allium spp. seed is only viable for one year.