Dwarf Pink Blush Lavatera
Lavatera trimestris. Commonly known as Mallow. Lovely bushy plant cloaked with gorgeous pale pink to white flowers accentuated by blushing pink centers. This dwarf plant is stylish in containers and eye catching in borders. Excellent as a cut flower and attracts bees and butterflies. For earlier blooms start indoors and plant out when all chance of frost is past, or they can be direct seeded as they are fast growing. Blooms June through September. Height 28'' Full sun. Approx. 15 seeds/pkg.
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Growing Information
May be started in peat pots 4-6 weeks before transplanting. Does not transplant well, so is often direct seeded in early spring or late fall. Soak seed 24hrs then chip seed coat with knife or sandpaper. Cover seed with 1⁄4-1⁄2 inches of soil. Space plants 12 inches apart in full sun.
Water, fertilize and deadhead regularly.