Ewe Love Wool Pellets
Available in three sizes (200g, 1 kg & 2 kg), these Wool Pellets are our newest gardening aid. Offering a wide range of benefits to the home gardener, the NPK ratio is approximately 10-0-3 providing a steady supply of nitrogen. When incorporated in the soil they can reduce watering needs by as much as 25% to 30%. They repel slugs and other local pests and provide no chemical run off into soil or waterways. They can be used as a soil enhancement, a mulch at the base of plants or even as a component when creating soil blocks for new seedings (use a 6-1-2 ratio of peat free potting soil, wool pellets and water). Proudly made on PEI.
Wool pellets are eco-friendly! They are created from wool from the bellies, rumps and necks of sheep that would not otherwise be spun into yarn, or wool from mill waste or that simply does not have a market and would otherwise end up in landfill. If incorporated into the soil, wool pellets will fully decompose in approximately 3 months. If used as a mulch on top of the soil around the stems of plants, they will fully decompose in about one year's time.
200g of wool pellets is ideal for houseplants or hanging baskets, or for creating soil blocks. 1kg of wool pellets is an ideal soil amendment for a garden or flower bed that is approximately 25 square feet.

Additional Information
To create a potting mix, use approximately 1/2 cup of pellets in 4 L of peat-free potting soil.
To create soil blocks, use a 6-1-2 ratio of peat free potting soil, wool pellets and water. Blend together. Once the pellets have absorbed the water, you can squeeze out any excess moisture and press into soil blocks.