Fantasista Mix Linaria
Linaria vulgaris. Fantasista is extra early to bloom, giving a pop of colour early in the spring. Fantasista has vibrant colours including blue, pink, rose, white and yellow. It will withstand frosts and short duration freezes to -4°C. This is an extra dwarf plant with exceptional basal branching. Plant height of 4-6” make it perfect for planters and borders. Commonly known as Moroccan Toadflax and Annual Toadflax. Approx. 10 seeds/pkg.
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Growing Information
Start inside 4-6 weeks early. Germinate at 16°C soil temp for about 7 days. Scatter seeds and press them into the surface of the soil, do not cover the seeds. Thin seedlings to 6" apart so that both small and large seedlings remain, assuring a good colour mix.
Deadheading will encourage new blooms.