Grape Crush Aster
Aster nova-angliae. With all the orange and bronze shades so common in the fall garden, we highly recommend planting this incredibly complimentary and easy to grow fall-blooming Aster. A perfectly rounded mound of dark green foliage will be loaded with cool, grape-purple flowers. Height 26-30". No. 1 root.
Spring Planting: this product will be shipped late April through May according to hardiness zone.
Scroll down for more details and growing information.
Sold as: Pkg of 1
Growing Information
Upon Arrival:
It is very important to plant as soon as possible after you receive them. If it is necessary to store them for a short time before planting them, open the plastic bags. If the roots appear dry, soak them for a few hours in warm water. Store in slightly moist peat moss in a cold, but not freezing location until you can plant. They can also be placed in pots of soil if planting will be delayed for more than 2 weeks. Use any peat-based potting soil and pots with drainage holes.
Soak bare-root perennials in water for a few hours before planting. Unless otherwise specified, bare-root perennials are usually planted with the crown (where the shoots meet the roots) an inch below the soil surface. Firm soil gently to eliminate air pockets and water in well. Mark the area clearly since it may be a while before the plant shows itself.
Plant with the top of the crown about 1" below soil level 18-24" apart. Asters grow and flower best in full sun. Some varieties will tolerate part shade but will have fewer flowers. Asters grow best on well-drained, loamy soil. Wet clay soil will lead to root rot and dry sandy soil will lead to plant wilt.
Aster is relatively drought tolerant but will wilt to let you know when it is really dry. Water only as needed and let the soil dry out between watering. Black spot or wilting that occurs while the soil is moist may be signs of fungus problems. If this happens let them dry out and dust or spray with a fungicide.