Monstrosum Mixed Strawflower
Xerochrysum bracteatum. The large fully double, crisp textured flowers on strong stems are an excellent variety for commercial air drying. This plant grows 30-36” with a wide range of colourful 1.5-3” blooms ranging from white to violet. Start seed indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Approx. 320 seeds/pkg.
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Growing Information
Easily started inside 6-8 weeks before last frost. Sow seed in flats and do not cover as light and a warm soil temperature ( 21-24 degrees C) are required for germination. May also be direct seeded 2 weeks after last spring frost. Transplant after last frost into a full sun location, 6 inches apart.
Prefers light, sandy soil. Tolerates dry conditions. Pull up entire plant and dry, when flowering is at its peak.