Old Spice Sweet Peas
Lathryus odoratus. A sweet pea blend featuring a wonderful collection of old varieties with exceptional heat resistance. Mixed pastel- coloured blooms are not large but are very fragrant. One of the most graceful and delicate flowers to enhance a trellis, fence, border, container or bed with their 4-5’ height. The breath-taking fragrance of Sweet Peas is so unique, no other flower could ever smell as sweet! Wide range of enchanting colours are relatively easy and so rewarding to grow. Grow for cut flower arrangements on their own or mix with other annuals. Sweet Peas are best when grown as a beautiful backdrop, on a trellis or arbour. Sweet Peas can thrive in cool conditions and enjoy sun to dappled shade. Approx. 40 seeds/pkg.
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Growing Information
May be started inside 3-4 weeks earlier, but is usually direct seeded in early spring as soon as the ground can be worked. Soak seed in water for 24-48 hours before planting in fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seed 1-2 inches deep. Sweet peas prefer cool conditions. If your summers are hot, you should keep the roots cool by trenching them. Dig a trench, about 10 inches deep and place your seeds in the bottom. Cover with 1 inch of soil to start and continue to fill in the trench as your peas grow. Space 6 inches apart in a full sun location.
Sweet peas are heavy feeders, so fertilize regularly. Provide support for vining types. Change their location each year, to avoid disease problems. You may use Garden Innoculant to give them a boost. Deadhead or pick blossoms often for bouquets.