Queeny Lime Zinnia
Zinnia elegans. Unique green tinted zinnias, have semi to double blossoms their height of 30-34” are excellent in bouquets, containers, beds and borders. Queeny Lime Zinnia is a citrusy delight with flowers layered with an exotic vibrant lime. Without a doubt, one of the best cut flowers you’ll grow in your garden! A reliable annual that attracts all pollinators. Zinnias are a cut-and-come-again flower, each flower blossom is just as perfect as the next, delightfully supported on attractive green stems and stunning colour that is stunning in a fresh bouquet. Approx. 25 seeds/pkg.
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Growing Information
Zinnias are usually direct seeded after last frost. Or start inside 6 weeks before last frost. Lightly cover and provide warmth (21-26 degrees C). Germinates in 5-10 days. Transplant after last frost into a full sun location, 6-12 inches apart.
Pinch out the growing tip to encourage branching. Water, fertilize, and deadhead regularly. Susceptible to mildew.