Queeny Lime Orange Zinnia
Zinnia elegans. All America Selections winner. Unique green tinted zinnias, have semi to double blossoms their height of 30-34” are excellent in bouquets, containers, beds and borders. Queeny Lime Orange evolves from dark coral to a light peach. Without a doubt, one of the best cut flowers you’ll grow in your garden! A reliable annual that attracts all pollinators. Zinnias are a cut-and-come-again flower, each flower blossom is just as perfect as the next, delightfully supported on attractive green stems and stunning colour that is stunning in a fresh bouquet. Approx. 25 seeds/pkg.
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Growing Information
Start inside 6 weeks before last frost. Lightly cover and provide warmth (21-26 degrees C). Keep soil moist until emergence. Germinates in 5-10 days. Transplant after last frost into a full sun location, 6-12 inches apart. Direct seed after last frost when the soil is warm, sow thinly, 6 seeds per foot, 1/4" deep. Cover lightly but firmly. Keep surface from drying out until emergence. Thin after the first true leaves appear.
Pinch out the growing tip to encourage branching. Water, fertilize, and deadhead regularly. Susceptible to mildew.