South Pacific Orange Canna
Canna generalis. Clusters of 4", two toned flowers sit above smooth, green leaves. Trials staff loved the continuous flowering and environmental flexibility. Plants can grow to 26-32". Flower time from seeding is 90-100 days. AAS winner. Approx. 10 seeds/pkg.
Scroll down for more details and growing information.

Growing Information
Start inside 10-12 weeks before your last frost date. Sow seeds 0.5-0.75" deep and cover. Use a heat mat and dome until germination occurs for the best results. Provide light for at least 10-12 hours per day. Up-potting will be required once roots grow through bottom of pot/tray. Keep soil moist until germination. After germination, let soil dry slightly between watering - do not let soil dry out hard at any point.
Harden off plants once all chance of frost has passed over 3-5 days, in the shade if sunny. Do not let plants dry out hard if in pots or containers. Cannas planted directly in the garden only need water during times of establishment or drought. Space 24" apart. Feed every two weeks to once a month with a water-soluble annual flower fertilizer. Cannas benefit from deadheading.
If saving rhizomes, let the first frost of the season kill off any foliage. Then, remove plants from soil and trim off any dead foliage leaving 3-4" of stalk. Dry for 2-3 weeks in indirect sunlight, disposing of any injured or damaged rhizomes, then store in a cool (no less than 4°c) and dark area.