Tidal Wave Purple Petunia


Petunia x hybrida. Terrific flower power with oceans of vibrant 2" blooms cover these go-to plants, that do it all. Tidal Wave varieties are resistant to heat and bounce back quickly after rain, making them low maintenance. These fast-growing plants will fill the space available to them, the closer they are planted in a bed the taller they grow. Space at 12” to make a hedge 16-22" of colour, or 24” apart for a ground cover as they will spread up to 5’. They are beautiful planted it hanging baskets or window boxes with their trailing ability. One of the most captivating and versatile classes of annuals that will suit any type of garden theme, style or container. Long lasting blooms attract many beneficials...even hummingbirds! Approx. 10 seeds/pkg.

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