Yellow Winter Aconite
Eranthis hyemalis. Blooming early, sometimes through the snow! Cheery buttercup-yellow flowers grow on dainty plants. The foliage of rich green leaves, divided into several lobes emerges after the flowers. Winter Aconite goes dormant by late spring. This beauty may self-seed if happy and naturalize over time, coming back year after year. Stunning in beds, borders, along walkways, rock gardens, underplanting shrubs, cottage gardens or as ground covers. Height 3-4". Bulb size 4+ cm in circ.
Fall Planting: This product will ship September-October according to your hardiness zone.
Scroll down for more details and growing information.
Sold as: Pkg of 15
Growing Information
Bulbs for Fall Planting:
Plant the bulbs as soon as possible once you have received them. If you cannot plant the bulbs as soon as they have been shipped to you, remove the bulbs from plastic bags and put them on trays with damp peat moss or sawdust in a cool, well-ventilated place until you have a chance to plant them. Do not store them at temperatures below 4°C. Generally all bulbs planted in the fall are hardy and do not need any special protection unless specified.
Where to Plant:
The most important rule when planting bulbs is to choose an area that is well-drained. Most bulbs will rot or deteriorate quickly where soil is constantly damp. Most bulbs thrive in full sun, or at least 5-6 sunny hours daily. Within each individual bulb or perennial variety it is stated what type of light conditions are preferred.
Planting Winter Aconite:
These small tubers need to be well-protected from harsh winter weather, so plant them about 5 inches deep from the base of the tuber to the surface of the soil. Plant about 6 inches apart to allow room for spreading. Easily grown in humus-rich, moderately fertile, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Consistent moisture should be provided year round, do not let the soil dry out. Tolerates most soils but does best in alkaline soils.
Plant bulbs individually by digging a hole for each bulb with a trowel or bulb planter, or place several bulbs on the bottom surface of a larger hole, then cover with soil. Be sure to loosen the soil at the bottom of the hole and work in a handful of organic fertilizer such as Veseys Bulb Fertilizer. Then press each bulb firmly into the soil, top pointing up and fill in the hole. When in doubt as to which way is up on a bulb, plant it on its side and let 'Mother Nature' decide!
Virtually pest and disease free. Propagate by dividing tubers after flowering in late spring. Best left undisturbed once planted.