Zinnia Collection
Zinnia elegans/Zinnia augustifolia. One of the best cutflowers! Direct seed after last frost. The Zinnia elegans contains all of the varieties that have a wide range of colours (except blue) and a variety of flower types such as single, doubles, cactus or dahlia type, ruffles and pompons. The Zinnia augustifolia is a small flowering plant. The blossoms are small, daisy-like blooms and are long lasting cutflowers.
This collection contains 4 seed pkgs, 1 each of Benary's Giants, Magellan Sunburst Mix, Pompom and Zahara Raspberry Ripple Zinnias.

Growing Information
Zinnias are usually direct seeded after last frost. Or start inside 6 weeks before last frost. Lightly cover and provide warmth (21-26 degrees C). Germinates in 5-10 days. Transplant after last frost into a full sun location, 6-12 inches apart.
Pinch out the growing tip to encourage branching. Water, fertilize, and deadhead regularly. Susceptible to mildew.