April Cross Daikon Radish
White, crisp and very productive. April Cross is a hybrid Daikon that can reach 12-14" long with a crisp and subtle sweetness excellent for stir-fries or pickles. This beautiful long 2.5” in diameter white root can be stored over winter. Matures in 55-65 days. Approx. 100 seeds/pkg.
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Growing Information
Also known as Daikon or Asian radishes. If they are planted too early, they may flower instead of developing their vegetable root, they need colder weather and shorter days.
Begin sowing as soon as the ground can be worked. Radish does best in the spring and fall when the soil is cool (4-18 degrees C) and the days are short. Summer production of radish may not be as uniform. Sow 1⁄2 inches apart and 1⁄4 inches deep in rows 12-18 inches apart. Thin to approx. 35 plants/ft. Make successive sowings every 5-7 days to keep a constant supply of fresh radish all season.
Requires full sun and pH of 6.0-7.0. Extremely light feeders; no special soil preparation is required. Sufficient water is essential as the faster the radish, the better the flavour. Plant radish in rows with slow germinating seeds like carrots, parsnip and beets to help break the soil and aid in the germination of the slower seeds.
Harvested in fall. Much longer lasting than spring radishes, they can easily be stored over winter. If they are planted too early, they may flower instead of developing their vegetable root, they need colder weather and shorter days.