Broom Corn Ornamental Grass
Sorghum vulgare. Broom corn or Sorghum are 6-8’ tall and used for screens or dividers between corn varieties to reduce cross pollination, with the added benefit of unusual fall decorations. There are many colours and may be harvested at any stage of development for beautiful additions to bouquets. When dried the huge seed heads are excellent additions to Christmas decor. Maturity is 100-120 days. Approx. 350 seeds/pkg.
Note: Isolate from other corn to prevent cross pollination.
Scroll down for more details and growing information.

Growing Information
Broom Corn is wind pollinated, so it should be planted in a block of several rows for even pollination. Sow seed 3-4" apart and about ½-1" deep in rows 24-32" apart. Ornamental corn must be isolated from sweet corn. Planting in cool soil will set back seedlings, especially if a frost is still possible. Best to plant when the soil has warmed to 21-24°C (70-75°F).
Full sun is required. Corn is a heavy feeder and requires fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0-6.5. Prepare the soil by working in well-rotted manure or other organic matter. A side dressing of nitrogen, applied when plants are about knee high, will give corn an added boost in growth. Try bloodmeal, partially rotted manure or a liquid fertilizer. Corn needs plenty of moisture. Hill soil around the base of the plant when they are 6" high. This will help to anchor the plants and keep the roots covered and cool. Use a mulch to keep down weeds and conserve moisture.