Jade Princess Ornamental Grass
Pennisetum Glaucom. Commonly known as Millet. Bright intense green foliage with contrasting bushy, purple- brown heads. Jade Princess is an eye catcher next to our Purple Majesty and is a great performer for garden and container planting. Compact, versatile and long-lasting ornamental appeal. Jade Princess only grows 30” tall with its leaves reaching almost back to the soil. Approx. 10 seeds/pkg.

Growing Information
Start seed inside 6-8 weeks before last frost. Cover seed lightly, provide bottom heat and seed will germinate quickly. Grow one plant per 5-6" pot to avoid restricted root growth. Grow at 20 degrees C is best. Growth slows below 16 degrees C.
May be direct seeded into the garden 2 weeks before last frost (Purple Majesty MUST be started indoors). Transplant into the garden after last frost in to a full sun location, 16-24 inches apart. Prefers moist, fertile, well-drained soil.