Seaside Spinach
High volume production. This early season hybrid produces a high volume of spade shaped leaves, a perfect choice for baby leaf growers. These plants produce smooth, upright dark leaves which are thick and succulent. Our trials have proven Seaside to be our best variety for dependable, bolt-resistant production. Medium to high resistance to Downy Mildew. Approx. 500 seeds/pkg.
Scroll down for more details and growing information.

Growing Information
Spinach thrives in cool weather, so plant as soon as the soil can be worked or when soil temperatures are between 10-24 degrees C. For a fall crop, plant again in late August or early September. Sow thinly, about 1⁄2 inches deep. Thin to 1-3 inches apart in rows 12 inches apart.
Full sun to partial shade with soil pH of 6.5-7.5. Moderate feeders require a fertile, well cultivated soil. Enrich soil with plenty of compost and some partially rotted manure or fertilizer high in nitrogen. Needs even moisture for good growth. Drought and warm temperatures will cause premature bolting.
Cut as soon as leaves are big enough to eat. If spinach is looking old and tired, cut the entire plant back to 1 inch tall to stimulate young, tasty growth. If showing signs of bolting, harvest the whole crop-it freezes well.
Pests & Diseases:
Leaf Miner is the most common insect to attack Spinach. Use Rotenone or Trounce‚ to spray newly hatched eggs, timing is very critical. Use row covers to protect plants completely, or grow with taller companion plants to help shelter the spinach.
Beans, Brassicas, celery, lettuce, onion, pea.